

Geopolitics of Energy - publications


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Selection energy geopolitical publications from the 1980s and after the end of the Cold War ->: (full list)
Austvik, Ole Gunnar, 2025: "Norway in the Geopolitics of Energy". Energy Policy; Elsevier Science. 12 pages. (online Dec 2024).
Austvik, Ole Gunnar, 2024: "The Norwegian Petroleum Model". In: Hunter, Dobb & Nordtveit: Elgar Concise Encyclopedia of Oil and Gas Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. November. pp.224-229.
Austvik, Ole Gunnar, 2022:  Norge i energiens geopolitikk. pdf. GD. Avisa. 23.09.2022

Austvik, Ole Gunnar, 2021/22:  En energinasjon og verden omkring. Noen norske energipolitiske utfordringer. pdf. Rapport til LO. Skriftserien no.16-2022. Høgskolen i Innlandet. 55 sider.
Austvik, Ole Gunnar, 2022: "De la Chine à la Norvège, la géopolitique du gaz russe s'embrase".pdf. Heidi.News Genéve 17.3.2022.
Austvik, Ole Gunnar, 2022: "Ukraina og energiens geopolitikk". Magasinet G21. no.2-2022.
Austvik, Ole Gunnar, 2019: "Norway: A Small State in the Great European Energy Game". In: Godzimirski (ed.) : New Political Economy of Energy in Europe: Power to Project, Power to Adapt. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan,. pp. 139-164.
Godzimirski, Jakub & Austvik, Ole Gunnar, 2019: "Introduction: The Changing (Geo)Politics of Energy in Europe". In: Godzimirski (ed.) : New Political Economy of Energy in Europe: Power to Project, Power to Adapt. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan,. pp. 1-24.
IAEE-logoAustvik, Ole Gunnar, 2018::    "Concepts of Geopolitics and Energy Security" - pdf -  IAEE Energy Forum 2d quarter ISSN 1944-3188. pp.25-28.
Austvik, Ole Gunnar, 2018: "The End of Russian Gas Dominance?" - pdf - The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs.  Feb 20, 2018. 
Austvik, Ole Gunnar & Lembo, Carolina, 2017:  "EU-Russian Gas Trade and the Shortcomings of International Law".  Journal of World Trade 51:4 pp. 645-674
Austvik, Ole Gunnar & Rzayeva, Gulmira, 2017: "Turkey in the Geopolitics of Energy". Energy Policy. London: Elsevier Science. Volume 107. pp. 539-547
Austvik, Ole Gunnar & Moe, Arild, 2016: "Oil and Gas Extraction in the Barents Region." In: M.O. Olsson (ed):  The Encyclopedia of the Barents Region II, Interreg Project. SBN: 9788253038780 Oslo: Pax Forlag. pp. 115-121
Austvik, Ole Gunnar, 2016: Hva bestemmer oljeprisen?   Hvor Hender Det? Nr.17 2016. Oslo: Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt (NUPI). pdf-versjon. 5 sider.
Austvik, Ole Gunnar & Rzayeva, Gulmira, 2016: Turkey in the Geopolitics of Natural Gas. (pdf) Harvard Kennedy School M-RCBG Associate Working Paper No. 66. 17 pages.
Austvik, Ole Gunnar, 2016: "The Energy Union and Security-of-Gas-Supply". Energy Policy; Elsevier Science. Volume 96, September 2016 DOI: /dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2016.06.013  pp. 372-382 - Comments to article by Matúš Mišík.  
Austvik, Ole Gunnar & Lembo, Carolina, 2016: International Law and EU-Russian Gas relations. (pdf) Harvard Kennedy School M-RCBG Associate Working Paper no. 53. 20 pages.
Austvik, Ole Gunnar, 2014: "Will economic sanctions work?" Turku: Baltic Rim Economies no.4/2014 p. 31 ISSN 1459-9759 (Read whole journal issue).
Austvik, Ole Gunnar, 2014: "EUs energiunion og russisk gassmakt." text only.  Oslo: Dagens Næringsliv 20.10.2014. p.29. <>Austvik, Ole Gunnar, 2014: "Et usikkert våpen." text only. Oslo: Dagens Næringsliv 13.9.2014. p.30.31
Austvik, Ole Gunnar, 2009: "EU Natural Gas Market Liberalization and Long-Term Security-of-Supply and -Demand". In Ferman (ed): The Political Economy of Energy in Europe: Forces of Integration and Fragmentation.  Berlin: Berliner Wissenshafts Verlag GmbH. ISBN 978-3-8305-1635-4. pp. 85-118.
Austvik, Ole Gunnar, 2009: The Norwegian State as Oil and Gas Entrepreneur. The Impact of the EEA Agreement and EU Gas Market Liberalization pdf.
Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag. 432 pages.  ISBN 978-3-639-17725-1.
Austvik, Ole Gunnar, 2008: "La partita di Barents" (pdf). In Special Issue "Partita al Polo" of  Limes Italian Journal of Geopolitics QS 2/08. La Repubblica. June 2008  pp. 91-102.-Also published as "The Barents Game." Heartland. Eurasian Review of Geopolitics 2/08.
Austvik, Ole Gunnar, 2007: "Energy interests of major powers in the Barents region; challenges for Norway" pp.181-203  in Greg Austin & Marie-Ange Schellekens-Gaiffe: Energy and Conflict Prevention. Anna Lindh series on Conflict Prevention by Madariaga Institute, East-West Institute. & the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary FoundationGidlunds förlag, Sweden/Belgium .  ISBN 978-91-7844-386-4. ISSN 1652-5489.
Austvik, Ole Gunnar, 2007: "The Geopolitics of Barents Sea Oil and Gas; the Mouse and the Bear", IAEE Newsletter 3Q. International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE), Cleveland, Ohio, U.S. ISSN 1093 4243.
Austvik, Ole Gunnar, 2006: "Oil and gas in the High North - A perspective from Norway", (pdf). Security Policy Library The Norwegian Atlantic Committee (dnak), no. 4/2006. ISSN 0802-6602
Austvik, Ole Gunnar, 2004: Oljens geopolitikk og krigene ved Persiagulfen, (pdf). Det sikkerhetspolitiske bibliotek nr. 6/2004. Den norske atlanterhavskomiteen (dnak). ISSN 0802-6602
Austvik, Ole Gunnar & Marina Tsygankova, 2004: "Auf dem Weg zur Konvergenz? Norwegen und Rußland als Öl- und Gasproduzenten", ZeitschriftOsteuropa, no 9-10, September - Oktober, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Osteuropakunde e.V  ISSN 0030-6428    ISBN 3-8305-0831-X. pp. 301-317.
Austvik, Ole Gunnar, 2004: "Strategic Gas Reserves and EU Security-of-Supply", Energy Studies Review vol 12 no 2 Spring 2004. ISSN 0843-4379. pp.
Austvik, Ole Gunnar, 2003: Styringsutfordringer for Europas ensomme petroleumsnasjon. Foredrag pa Europa-programmets seminar om 'Europa i forandring - utfordringer for norsk politikk og okonomi',  Sem Gjestegard, Asker 17-19.oktober 2003. Arbeidsnotat Høgskolen i Lillehammer nr 152 / 2003 (ISSN 0806-8348).
Austvik, Ole Gunnar, 2003: Norwegian Natural Gas; Liberalization of the European Gas Market  - Complete book as pdf.
Europa-programmet,  ISBN 82-91165-30-0   2003.  272 pages.
Austvik, Ole Gunnar, 2002: "Security-of-Gas-Supply; Norway, Russia and the EU", Presentation at the Royal Norwegian Embassy, Berlin June 18 2002
Austvik, Ole Gunnar, 2001: Norges som storeeksportør av gass; Uten- og sikkerhetspolitiske konsekvenser Det sikkerhetspolitiske bibliotek nr. 8 - 2001. Den norske atlanterhavskomiteen (dnak) - Juni 2001.  ISSN 1502-2781. 29 sider.
  Norge-storeksportor  Austvik, Ole Gunnar, 2000: Norge som storeksportør av gass. Oslo: Europaprogrammet desember  2000.  ISBN 82-91165-23-8. 114 sider.  
   norgegeopolitikkenergiKibsgaard, Bjørnar mfl., 2000: Norge i energiens geopolitikkFull tekst pdf.  Bok fra prosjekt under samme navn. Europaprogrammetdesember 2000. 194 sider. ISBN 82-91165-24-6.
Austvik, Ole Gunnar, 1998: "Norge som betydelig petroleumseksportør; utenriks- og sikkerhetspolitiske utfordringer"  I:  Admiral Bjørnar Johan Kibsgaard  (red):  "Strategi - sikkerhetspolitikk og energiproduksjon"  Forsvarsdepartementet og Forsvarets Overkommando / Sjøforsvarsstaben).  Prosjektrapport november 1998 . Oslo: Europaprogrammet.   - Særtrykk ved HiL nr. 37/1999 og  Rapport nr. 2/1999 ved  Senter for energi og miljø, Handelshøyskolen BI (ISSN 1501-2697)
Austvik, Ole Gunnar, 1997: "Gas pricing in a liberalized European market; Will the rent be taxed away?", Energy Policy vol 20/no.12 pp. 997-1012. December 1997, London,  ISSN 0301 4215 (1997) Elsevier Science.

Austvik, Ole Gunnar, 1997: "Avgifter og petroleumspriser. Tar forbrukslandene olje- og gassinntektene?" - pdf. Sosialøkonomen nr. mai 1996 ISSN 0038-1624. pp.16-28.
Austvik, Ole Gunnar, 1993: "The War Over the Price of Oil: Oil and the conflict on the Persian Gulf". International Journal of Global Energy Issues Vol.5, No.2/3/4, pp.134-143.  London October 1993. ISSN 0954-7118
Austvik, Ole Gunnar, 1993: "A View on Economic Theory of Exhaustible Resources", Working Paper (Skriftserien) nr.89 - 1993, Oppland DH Lillehammer, 24 pages. ISBN 82-7184-149-1 ISSN 0803-0197

Austvik, Ole Gunnar, 1991: "De strategiske petroleumslagrene (SPR) som oljepolitisk kriseredskap",Sosialøkonomen nr.1 January 1991. ISSN no. 0038-1624.
Austvik, Ole Gunnar, 1991: "Stormaktsinteresser og norsk petroleumspolitikk." Internasjonal Politikk nr. 1 Februar 49(1)  ISSN 0020-577X  pp. 75-88.
Austvik, Ole Gunnar (ed.), 1991: Norwegian Gas in the New Europe; How Politics Shape Markets.  - Complete book as pdf  NUPI/Vett & Viten August 1991, 144 Pages, Norwegian Foreign Policy Studies no.76, ISBN 82-412-0064-1.
Austvik, Ole Gunnar (ed.), 1989: Norwegian Oil and Foreign Policy,-  Complete book as pdf. Published by NUPI & Vett & Viten November. 140 pages. Norwegian Foreign Policy Studies no.68 1989. ISBN 82-412-0013-7.

Austvik, Ole Gunnar, 1989: Strategies for Reducing U.S. Oil Dependency, Paper Department of Economics Harvard University Spring 1989; NUPI-report no. 130 July 1989. 58 pages. ISSN no.0800-0018.

Austvik, Ole Gunnar (ed.), 1987: Oljemarkedet og utenrikspolitikken, - Complete book as pdf.  -Redaktør av spesialnummer av Internasjonal Politikk no. 5/6  Desember 1987.
 Norsk utenrikspolitisk institutt.  228 sider.  ISSN no. 0020-577X. 
Austvik, Ole Gunnar, 1987: "Oil Prices and the Dollar Dilemma. Exchange Rate Fluctuations as a Source of Disequilibrium in the Crude Oil Market". OPEC Review no. 4 December 1987. ISSN no. 0277-0180. pp.399-412
Austvik, Ole Gunnar, 1987: "Political Gas Pricing Premiums: The Development in West Germany 1977-1985", OPEC Review no. 2 June 1987. ISSN no. 0277-0180. pp.171-190.
Brundtland, Arne Olav, Martin Sæter, Kjell Skjelsbæk, Ole Gunnar Austvik & Jens Christopher Andvig, 1987: "Rapport fra et besøk på Instituttet for verdensøkonomi og internasjonale forhold (IMEMO) i Moskva, 24-26 februar 1987", NUPI-notat no. 377 April. 22 pages. ISSN no.0800-0018.

Austvik, Ole Gunnar, 1987: "Norway's role in the oil market", OPEC Bulletin Vol XVIII no. 2 March 1987. ISSN 0474-6279.

Austvik, Ole Gunnar, 1986: "Får Norge mer betalt for sin gass enn Sovjetunionen?", Internasjonal Politikk no.6 desember 1986. NUPI. ISSN no. 0020-577X. pp.19-37.

.... Complete list of publications


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