

Research project:
The Geopolitics of Energy

The project aims to assess the geopolitical, geoeconomic and geostrategic processes of energy production, consumption, transport and distribution. It will also analyze how the rest of the world's assessment of Norway affect the country as a political and diplomatic actor characterized by its role as an energy producer. 
Project description. Project site at inn.no.

Current project: Norway in the Geopolitics of Energy. Foreign and Security Policy Implications.  Project outline. Project site at inn.no. Supported by Norwegian Ministry of Defence Forsvarsdepartementet 

Selection of project related media and other since the Russian invasion of Ukraine Feb 24, 2022:
2024/2025: "Norway in the Geopolitics of Energy". Energy Policy; Elsevier Science. 12 pages.
Nov 2024: "The Norwegian Petroleum Model". In: Hunter, Dobb & Nordtveit: Elgar Concise Encyclopedia of Oil and Gas Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. November. pp.224-229.
30.09.2024: Energisikkerhet. by Energipodden - Jakten på den gode energi. Podcast én time. Energisenteret.
18.12.2023: Konflikt i Rødehavet. Konsekvenser for oljemarkedet. NRK TV Nyheter.
01.12.2023: Norway. Energy security & geopolitics. International affairs talk show. IR Thinker. Podcast 64 minutes.
27.10.2023: Energipolitikk by Energipodden - Jakten på den gode energi. Podcast én time. Energisenteret.
06.09.2023: Is It Possible to Be Energy Independent Today?  Economic Forum. Karpacz PL. LinkedIn.
06.06.2023: Lecture at NATO Defense College.
12.04.2023: Stenger kraftverk i Tyskland - en risiko. Dagbladet Børsen.
14.03.2023: Flere hundre industriarbeidere ut i streik: – Unik aksjon, sier professor. NRK Innlandet
08.03.2023: Sikrer gass til et Europa i krig. Magasinet Industri Energi. LoMedia.
07.03.2023: Etter sabotasjen. Er det trygt å jobbe med gass?  Podcast-episode Rørsla (Spotify)
09.02.2023: – Det er et historisk press på norsk energipolitikk. Kommunikasjon.ntb.no
02.02.2023: Energipolitikk har blitt sikkerhetspolitikk. Hinn Forskning.
11.01.2023: West's Oil Price Cap to Cut Into Russian Revenues, But Not in Major Way - Expert. Sputnik International. RU.
23.09.2022: Norge i energiens geopolitikk. GD.
23.08.2022: Et halvt år med krig i Ukraina. Debatten NRK
22.08.2022: An active energy policy is necessary now. Inn.no
05.05.2022: En energinasjon og verden omkring. Noen norske energipolitiske utfordringer. Inn.no (skrevet høsten 2021 for LO)
17.03.2022: De la Chine à la Norvège, la géopolitique du gaz russe s'embrase. Heidi.News. CH/FR
11.03.2022: Waarom Europa niet van haar Russische gasverslaving af kwam. Follow the Money. NL.
07.03.2022: Ukraina og energiens geopolitikk. Magasinet G21
26.02.2022: Expert Says Cutting Russian Energy Supplies Will Hurt EU Economies Short-Term. Sputniknews. RU
24.02.2022: Agresja-rosji-na-ukraine-komentarze-ekspertow Russian aggression on Ukraine – Experts’ comments. Economic Forum. PL.

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since the 1980s and after the end of the Cold War: Geopolitics and energy

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