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Ole Gunnar Kaldor Austvik

OGA recent activities  

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  Ole Gunnar Austvik   Ole Gunnar Austvik (3) 
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Short bio: Ole Gunnar Austvik is professor of political economy and of petroleum economics at Inland Norway University.  Appointed Senior Fellow at John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, and has inter alia been working with the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI), BI Norwegian Business School and Statistics Norway. By education he holds a master in economics (cand.oecon) and a PhD in political science from University of Oslo, and a Master in Public Adminstration (MPA) from Harvard Kennedy School. Professor Austvik is the author of numerous articles and books regarding public policy, international political economy, European integration, global energy economics and policy. 

Kort bio:
Ole Gunnar Austvik er professor i politisk økonomi og i petroleumsøkonomi. Han arbeider ved Høgskolen i Innlandet - Lillehammer. Utnevnt Senior Fellow ved Harvard Kennedy School, USA, og har arbeidet bl.a. ved Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt (NUPI), Handelshøyskolen BI og Statistisk Sentralbyrå. Austvik har sosialøkonomisk embetseksamen (cand.oecon) og doktorgrad i statsvitenskap fra Universitetet i Oslo, og er Master in Public Adminstration (MPA) fra John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. Han har skrevet en rekke artikler og bøker innen offentlig politikk, internasjonal politisk økonomi, europeisk integrasjon og petroleumsøkonomi.

Main positions:
1991-:            Høgskolen i Innlandet - Lillehammer (HIL)  / Inland Norway University - Oslo, Lillehammer. Professor of Political Economy.  Link
                      - 1994-2000: Head of research committee. 2009-2013: Provost / Head of research (Viserektor). 2013-2016: On leave / adjuncted. 
                      - International political economy, European integration, public administration and public policy,
international economics, microeconomics, macroeconomics.
                      - Research groups: European and Global Studies (EUGLOB). Offentlig politikk, ledelse og styring
, Energy and Natural Resources. 

1989-2016:    Handelshøyskolen BI  / BI Norwegian Business School. Professor of Petroleum Economics.
                      - Academic Dean for the International Executive Master Programs on Energy (EMEM & EMBA). BIs most international programs.
                      - Own courses:  "Energy Economics and Geopolitics"  -  "Fundamentals of Energy Management."
                      - Extensive cooperation: Institut francais du petrole (IFP), Paris & Haas Business School, Berkeley (UCLA), USA.
                      - 2013-2016: Full time. 1989-2013: Adjuncted (Professor II).

Harvard Kennedy School of Government. Senior Fellow Mossavar-Rahmani Center (M-RCBG). Harvard University.  Link.
                      - Seminar series: "Europe and the Geopolitics of Energy":  Fall 2015  -  Spring 2016.
                      - Research groups:  Consortium for Energy Policy ResearchHarvard Electricity Policy Group.
                      - Publications and activities at Harvard University. Mentor.

1985-2017:    Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt (NUPI) / Norwegian Institute of International Affairs. Senior Research Fellow . Link.
1985-91: Full time. 2013-17: Adjuncted  (Forsker II).
                      - Energy, European  integration, international political economy, international affairs.                  e.
                      - Research groups: NUPI Centre for European Studies. Centre for Energy Research,   

1981-1985:    Statistisk Sentralbyrå (SSB) / Statistics Norway. Oslo. Senior Executive Officer.
                      - Offshore and foreign trade stastics, oil & gas, analyses, indexes, national / international accounts.
1985-:                   Kaldor Farm, Øyer.  Charolais cattle.
1976:                    Norwegian Army. Jørstadmoen & Southern Norway Defence Command (FKS) / Holmenkollen, Oslo.. Conscription.
1972-1980:           Musikksentralen a.s., Oslo. Founder, Chairman and CEO. Company sold 1985.



2009:           Dr.philos. Universitetet i Oslo. Institutt for statsvitenskap / Department of Political Science. Link.

1989:           Master in Public Administration, MPA M-C  (political economy). John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, U.S.
                    - Credit courses include also Department of Economics and Harvard Business School.

1980:           S
osialøkonomisk embetseksamen (cand.oecon) / Master in Economics. Universitetet i Oslo, Sosialøkonomisk institutt / Department of Economics. Link.
1978-80:         Debreceni Nyári Egyetem, Hungarian language courses (summer weks)
1971:               Lillehammer High Scool (Lillehammer Gymnas).

Languages (0-5):  

          Norwegian 5 (mother tongue), English 5 (fluent), German 3, Hungarian 2, French 1.

Research, teaching, supervision, dissemination, administrative:

•  Main fields of concentration: International political economy;  Economics; International economics; WTO; IMF; International affairs; Public policy and administration; European economic and political integration;  The European Union (EU); Russia and Russian energy;  East-West trade; Energy economics and geopolitics; Global oil and gas markets and policy; OPEC; IEA;  Renewable energy and climate change; Norwegian petroleum management; Norway – EU relations; EEA; Norwegian foreign policy; Innovation and entrepreneurship;  Regulatory systems and more. 

•  National and international publications:  Books, journal articles, reports, chronicles, op-eds, presentations.  

•  Referee for national and international journals, publishers, evaluation of academic positions. Editorial Board member. Academic reviewer for Norwegian and international research programmes and quality assurance procedures in higher education, and more. 

•  Courses: International political economy; International economics; European integration; Energy economics and geopolitics; Microeconomics; Macroeconomics. Supervision: Bachelor, Master, PhD.

•  Teaching languages: Norwegian end English.

•  Member Harvard Energy Policy Group.

* Guest Professor at ESEM (Executive School of Economics and Management) Belgrade, Serbia. International Political Economy and the Geopolitics of Energy. 

•  Research administrative positions: Head of Research / Viserektor for forskning / Provost HiL, Chairman of Board / Board Member Eastern Norway Research Foundation / Østlandsforskning, Member program board Petrosam2 / Petromaks2  / Reference Group ERC, at the Norwegian Research Council, NFR, and more.

•  Supervisor for private and public bodies. Contract research - see i.a. Geopolitics of Energy projects

•  Dissemination, presentations, debate, news media. Comprehensive international cooperation.  
    - 2006-2014: Member think-tank  Respublica. 1993-2005: Adjuncted analyst in Europa-programmet.

•    Volunteer Experience - selection:



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