KALDOR NAME HISTORYThe spelling of the Kaldor name has varied somewhat since it was first mentioned in a written source in 1520 (the first we know of). Below is a list of different ways the name has been spelt in written sources since this. One must keep in mind that most common people were illiterate or had a very limited ability to read and write until well into the 1800-hundreds. The records were kept by officials who most often would come from the Danish-speaking upper-class or from Denmark (Norway was under Danish rule from 1380 until 1814). They would have little or no knowledge of the local dialects, and would write down the name as they thought it sounded when pronounced by local people. Land registers(matrikler) and censuses (folketellinger)/ sources
Parish RecordsParish records (births, marriages, deaths) for Oyer parish are publicly available for the period 1671-1893. The parish records (kirkebøker) were kept by the parish vicar (sogneprest). Below we have listed the different vicars who have served in the parish, the period they served, and the ways they spelled the farm name. Fridrich Monrath (1670-1698): Christian Wolfgang Monrath (1698-1738): Andreas Wielsgaard (1738-1761): Christen Hanssen Schmidt (1761-1778): Steen Meldahl Feldtmann (1778-1798): Peder P. Dybdahl (1799-1828): Hans Olai Fremming Heyerdahl (1829-1836): Nils Christian Nissen (1837-1869): G.T. Diitrichson (1870-1877): Karl Martin Bræien (1878-1882) Jens Stub Irgens (1883-1890) Ole Ulsten (1890-1899) The predominant way to spell the name has been Kaldor, with few exceptions and variations. We and all our predecessors have chosen to use what is the original farm name, Kaldor, deriving from the words Kald (cold) and Or (natural source of water). It has historical evidence as can be found in the lists above, and a logical meaning, Kaldor having a couple of very reliable (and cold) natural water sources, which has supplied the farm with water in all times (also today). The use of Kaldhol as the name of the farm:In this century the farm has sometimes been referred to as Kaldhol.This practice seems to have started sometiies in the late 1800s and Kaldhol is the name used on many maps today (we hope to change this). The meaning of this name according to «Bygdeboka» is Kald (cold) and Hol (small hill). However, there is no topographical or other explanation for such a name. The family name did not change either, eg. owners in line from 1873 Ole Th. Kaldor, Tor Kaldor, Johanne Kaldor (maiden name) and today Ole Gunnar Kaldor Austvik. *Text created by Nanna Egidius (1959-2022) -
farmer's wife 1989-2022 . Remark: The Hungarian family name Kaldor has different origin
with no commections to Kaldor Farm in Øyer. |